
Take charge of stress

and live each day with more purpose, passion, and peace!

Master your mindset and energy and create a fulfilling and happy life.

Take charge of stress

and live each day with more purpose, passion, and peace!

Master your mindset and energy and create a fulfilling and happy life.

Ready to Claim Your HappYness?

Join my free Claim Your HappYness community for helpful insights and live trainings.

Hi, I’m Merilee, your Mindset Development Coach and

I’m here to help you get off autopilot and get clear on who you want to be and what’s most important to you in your life, relationships and career and then take action to create it and live it!

Being intentional is the key to living a happy and fulfilled life as your best, authentic self.

If your heart is screaming…”YES, that’s me. I want this!”

You’ve come to the right place!

Experiencing true happiness is a power you have within you and one that you can access anytime. You deserve to be happy. This is your TRUTH. It always has been.

But life in all of its glory, changes and challenges has a funny way of making us forget that we have this power. We give up our happiness to other people and curve balls that come our way. We emotionally react, “should” on ourselves and subconsciously sleepwalk through life far too much.

But, not you. You're ready to get intentional and own your power to be happy.

Bravo YOU!

Stay Connected with Merilee

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elizabeth connolly

I was immediately drawn to your positive energy and was intrigued hearing about your work to help decrease the drama that brings down our energy levels. It had been several years since I had worked with a coach and instinctively knew that working with you would help with some problems I had been facing in some of my business relationships. What I didn’t expect but have found so very helpful are the insights you have provided that affect in such a positive way my personal relationships. You are a ray of light and a great coach. It has been wonderful working with you so far and I am looking forward to continuing our work together.

Elizabeth Connolly

As Ferris Bueller so eloquently states, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Well, life does move fast and I’m here to make sure you don’t miss it!

I’m here to give you life changing empowerment tools and emotional agility skills that will give you the wherewithal to consistently live true to your values while acting on your goals and dreams.

You’ll view life through an upgraded perspective. You’ll see endless opportunities and embrace them. You’ll continue to grow and evolve as you handle life’s transitions and challenges with ease.

You’ll make deep connections with those you care about, make memories and live without regret!

Ready to play full out in life as the true, perfectly imperfect, fabulous YOU?

individual coaching

Individual Coaching

The Take Charge of Your Story coaching program consists of one-on-one coaching sessions that are designed for us to do the deep work that will give you the clarity and skills you need to change the areas of your life you want to improve the most.

We’ll disrupt and transform any inner drama, old beliefs or habits that are getting in the way of your happiness and success.

heart scribble

Group Coaching

The Ignite Your Power group coaching program takes you on a journey of raising your awareness and increasing your emotional intelligence and agility with the support of others who are committed to doing the very same.

You’ll be able to identify what thoughts and behaviors are helping or holding you back from happiness and success.

megan foster

What I found most helpful about Merilee’s coaching was her ability to see the real me! One of my biggest struggles is understanding my path and forging forward. The 3 vital questions course helped pave the path for me to understand how I am applying The Empowerment Dynamic to my daily life.

This past year has been disjointed and fragmented. Merilee helped me refocus myself and gave me the courage to do things in a more visible way with baby steps. Merilee is a great listener and also digs deep into your own insights with sincerity. I look forward to doing more with Merilee in the future.

Megan Foster

Get ready to unleash your power and…

  • awaken the real you.
  • claim your happiness and create the life you want.
  • live consistently with your values.
  • build compassionate relationships with yourself and others.
  • embrace life changes with intention and confidence.

Ready to take charge of your story?

I'm a featured author!

Despite the challenges of 2020, Twenty Won!

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